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Breaking the Stress Cycle
You're tired.
Something stressful happens.
You get sick.
It takes FOREVER to get better.
You start drinking more coffee/tea/energy drinks just to function.
Now you can't sleep.
Sound familiar? I know this cycle all too well. Years of being a student (thanks 9 years of post-secondary education!) taught me a lot about what I call, "the stress cycle". You can be stuck at any point in this cycle, but most people seek help when they're so tired all the time that they just can't get through their day-to-day any longer. That's where I come in.
Sick of being sick.
Have you had a cold since November? SEPTEMBER? Woah. Your immune system needs help!
If you've been sick for weeks or months and you're just not getting better, or if you find you get sick anytime you hear someone sneeze, there's something not quite right.
What's the "First-Bite-Rule"?
This time of the year is often about delicious food. We use food to connect with people we love; sharing a meal or a treat with the folks we care about is one way we create community during the holiday season. Many people assume that the holidays mean their goals have to go out the window, that they can eat whatever they want for a month and "start fresh" in January.
If you've created a system of nutrition that works for you and you feel satisfied at every occaision without over-doing it, you're doing it right. If you binge all December on alcohol, sweets, mashed potatoes and deep fried appetizers, you're doing it wrong. So, how do you create moderation in a season of excess? Read on to find out.
Food baby? Use these tips when you overindulge.
We've all been there, whether it's Thanksgiving, Christmas, Stampede, Kdays or Taste of Edmonton, sometimes the food choices are overwhelmingly delicious, but they can wreak havoc on the digestive system. If you're bloated, gassy or just plain uncomfortable have no fear, there is help outside of the pepto-bismol bottle!
Your Mood on Food
It's no secret that the foods you eat can impact your mood. Did you know that depression and anxiety can be associated with several nutrient deficiencies? Protein is a very common nutritional deficiency that can lead to...
Snacking for Kids: Ideas to Keep the Energizer Bunnies Going
Recently I posted a BuzzFeed Article on my Facebook entitled "21 Easy 3-Ingredient Snacks that Are Actually Good For You". The ideas range from yoghurt bark to popsicles and everything in between. The recipes are easy, but the end results might not be too kid-friendly and not too portable for families on the go.
When you're feeding a toddler, child, preteen or teen, the most important thing to remember is that they're just like you, only smaller. Sure there's parts of their brains/guts/immune system that are still growing and developing and that changes...
How to Read Supplement Labels
What's important on the label and how do you know if you're getting a quality natural health product?
1) Natural Product Number - The "NPN" is issued by Health Canada after a supplement has gone through an application process. Products with NPN's contain ingredients that are deemed to be safe and legal in Canada and are of a certain degree of quality.
Natural Pain Relief
Injuries, arthritis, low back pain, it all HURTS. What can you do about it without using drugs?
Your First Visit: What to Expect
You're keen to book your first appointment but you're not sure what it's going to be like. Let me demystify and debunk myths about your first visit to a Naturopathic Doctor and explain the facts. Let's start with what you'll experience when you visit Flow Functional Health Care.
Run your best 10km yet!
You've been training hard, or maybe not, but regardless, your big race is coming up fast. Avoid common mistakes and take advantage of these tips to perform at your best in your first 10km run!
The day before:
Attend the pre-race expo and pick up your race bib, be sure to activate your bib or chip on your way out - ask at the race kit pick-up if this is necessary or not. You won't get an official time if you don't activate your bib! There will be lots of free samples of food, sport nutrition products and all kinds of gear to check out. This is especially common at marathon and half-marathon expos. Be sure that you avoid...
"An ounce of prevention..." and Hangover Cures!
When it comes to hangovers, there's a lot of old wives tales that tell you what to do to feel better. Here are the top ways to recover from a hangover based on your body's physiology and function.
Sounds easy, right!? Don't get a hangover, don't feel sick. Right. Easier said that done, especially at this time of the year (yeah, I'm looking at you, you green-beer-drinking leprechauns).
Stop your hangover before it starts by staying hydrated. Drink 1 cup of water for every beer, shot or glass of wine you consume. Eventually, if you keep consuming alcohol, your body will shut down some of the hormones that help keep you hydrated...
DIY Sports Drink/Electrolyte Replenisher
Traditional sports drinks are filled with sugar, which can be OK if your blood sugar has gotten extremely low from endurance exercise. Data tells us that electrolyte replacement is not necessary and has little impact on performance for sports in duration of less than 90mins. If you get yourself dehydrated from either an infection (diarrhea, vomiting) or self-induced (exercise, alcohol), then here's an option for a healthy, low-sugar alternative to the traditional sports drink.